Honoring Your Discontent Can Lead You Towards Your Life Purpose
Updated: Mar 4, 2023
We don’t always know what our life’s purpose or journey is supposed to be or we may have so many dreams we are overwhelmed with them all. However, one thing is for sure: if we are feeling restless or discontent, we are not living our dreams!

You might be asking yourself “how can honoring my discontent in my life lead me toward my life purpose”?
Honoring your discontent can feel uncomfortable and even sometimes scary, but when you experience discontent or feel restless and you’re not sure why don’t shut it out just because you don’t know what it means or because it feels uncomfortable. When you shut off your yearnings you become numb and paralyzed to create something more interesting in your life. Bring those inner rumblings to the front of your mind for examination. These rumblings are nudging you toward a more meaningful existence and urging you not to settle for mediocrity. By opening yourself up to them for examination you are allowing your discontent to lead you toward your purpose.
Dreams and desires pull at us, tug at us, speak to us, and will not leave us alone because we are not meant to live cramped lives. Let these inner frictions rub until they create the spark that will ignite the fire of your own purpose. You will know when your desire is sincere when just talking about it gives you energy and incites motivation in you, even when fruition is far off.
Learning to lean into your discomfort will allow you to truly honor your discontent and can lead you to your greater good, your life purpose, and turn your pain into your POWER.
Want support in discovering your life purpose and building your dreams? Email me at KellyKedrosky@DreamBuilderCoach.com.